u Southern California     

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DRH & Associates is a total network solutions provider specializing in meeting the needs of business owners and managers in Southern California.

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Company Profile

Established in 1983, DRH & Associates is a complete solutions provider. What does that mean to our clients? It means that unlike so many single solution providers, we have the knowledge and range of services to reach beyond one-size-fits-all solutions. Our clients receive customized  solutions that have been specially designed to meet the technical, business and financial goals of their businesses.

Our Commitment

Our commitment to our clients begins long before a contract has been signed and continues long after our products are delivered.


An Informed Decision: We understand that making technical decisions that will affect the future of a business can be a daunting responsibility.  Our first commitment is to educate our clients so that they truly  understand the options available to them.  We do this in terms that are designed to  inform rather than impress.  


The Best Technology:  There are many products available that can be used to provide network and internet solutions.  Some are better than others.  We do not sell any technology until we are confident it will meet the needs of our clients.  We fully research every product we recommend and conduct testing in our own laboratory. 


Unparalleled Support:   If a problem arises, you can count on DRH to provide an immediate and effective solution. 

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Contact Information

Electronic mail

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